I've just joined a new social network site recently, named frensZone. Thanks to this guy here, that explains the opportunities and the goodies. Goodies? Yeah, this social network applies the concept of reward points for the members. Thus, lots of merchandise or cash became available after some time. Great isn't it?Oh, if you start to wonder what am I talking about, let me explain what a social network (website) refers to.
The social network site is a website that let people join, by registering themselves. After that, registered members can start to publish their profile to be seen by others. Furthermore, the member start to interacts with other registered members. Some people joined this kind of site to make friends, some even joined in search for their perfect couple. And some of these kind of sites allow the member to play games together, or just to discuss things over the internet (etc..)
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So what's differences this frensZone has?
Well, the most significant nature that differs this social network against the other similar kind, is that frensZone pays! Basically,just by using this social network, the member gain points. Which accumulated (after sometime) and can be exchanged with either merchandise or even cash. You don't believe it? Well, here is some statement that I managed to get afer I joined the site.
You get rewarded with points when you post/upload/vote/comment stuffs like photo, blogs, videos, music on FrensZone. You also get rewarded with points when other members view our profile, blogs, videos, photos and more. For example, you may get 10 points from uploading a photo. Later, you can convert these accumulated points for cash or cool merchandises like mobile phones, mp3 players and more.What's the catch?
There isn't any, no catch at all. Just use the system and points will flow, read the statement I've posted above. For example; when you upload a photo, you earned yourself 10 points - and so on. So what you're waiting for? Join this social network, and start earn yourself.
Oh, by the way, this social network also giving reward points for each referral. That means, if you joined this social network with me as the one that invited you to do so, then I got myself some reward points. So, if you don't mind, use me as your referrer by register your account through this link.
Thanks yo'
ok ..udh dilink mas..cek di top menu "friends links".. tolong link balik ya.. di