
I don't want to be a spoiler, so this is a spoiler-free post.
I watched this movie, Knowing (2009) past few days ago. Performed by Nicolas Cage, a scientist that is in the middle of faith-crisis. Since his wife passed away, he became a single parent for his only precious son, Caleb. This is quite interesting, because his wife's death turned this son-of-a-pastor from "I believe in God" into "I belive that shits just happen" and he's been busy to understand the greater cause of all that existed in this world.
The Story
It started 50-years earlier. Where children of a school made their prediction of what the future could be, and then stored it in a time capsule (it's a container that supposed to be durable and keep whatever stored in it, intact).
And to make it simple, one of the children's made an unexplainable signs for things that occured from then up to the day John Koestler found the document. And ever since he discovered the meaning of that parchment, the more he try to unreveal the truth.
Personally, I think this movie taught us that whatever the truth holds out there. As long as you fill your life with precious moments with those precious ones, then you have nothing to lost.